Collection: Learn Arabica & Robusta Q Grading

A Q Grader License is something you use and a good bean is the first step toward achieving a perfect cup of coffee. Reinforcing the standards of specialty & fine coffee links everyone in the value chain with an integrity that shows pride in the product. Whether the coffee grades Specialty or not, every coffee has a home and a coffee's quality can improve over time with accurate data and committed partners.  

The Q Coffee System identifies quality coffees and brings them to market through a credible and verifiable system. A common standard for both Q Arabica, (Specialty Grade) and Q Robusta (Fine Grade) coffee has resulted in a universally shared language and standard for scoring coffee.

    This system’s infrastructure has resulted in greater opportunity for producers to access a  premium price in the market, improve the quality of their coffee and by extension improve their economic viability. Licensed and calibrated Q Graders are the backbone of this system.

    I can teach Q Grader and other CQI classes at your training center.


    To arrange a private course for your company or coffee community please email: